#include "lmer.h"
#include <Rmath.h>
#include <R_ext/Lapack.h>
#include <R_ext/stats_package.h>
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "Syms.h"
Include dependency graph for lmer.c:
Go to the source code of this file.
Defines | |
#define | _(String) (String) |
Allow for translation of error messages. | |
#define | A_SLOT(x) AS_CHM_SP(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_ASym)) |
Allocate (alloca) a cholmod_sparse struct, populate it with values from the A slot and return the pointer. | |
#define | Alloca(n, t) (t *) alloca( (size_t) ( (n) * sizeof(t) ) ) |
alloca n elements of type t | |
#define | AZERO(x, n) {int _I_, _SZ_ = (n); for(_I_ = 0; _I_ < _SZ_; _I_++) (x)[_I_] = 0;} |
zero an array | |
#define | BUF_SIZE 127 |
size of buffer for an error message | |
#define | CM_MAXITER 300 |
Maximum number of iterations in update_u. | |
#define | Cm_SLOT(x) AS_CHM_SP(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_CmSym)) |
Allocate (alloca) a cholmod_sparse struct, populate it with values from the Cm slot and return the pointer. | |
#define | CM_SMIN 1e-5 |
Minimum step factor in update_u. | |
#define | CM_TOL 1e-10 |
Tolerance level for convergence criterion in update_u. | |
#define | Cx_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_CxSym) |
Return the double pointer to the Cx slot or (double*) NULL if Cx has length 0). | |
#define | DEV_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_devianceSym) |
Return the double pointer to the deviance slot. | |
#define | DIMS_SLOT(x) INTEGER(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_dimsSym)) |
Return the integer pointer to the dims slot. | |
#define | ETA_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_etaSym) |
Return the double pointer to the eta slot. | |
#define | FIXEF_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_fixefSym) |
Return the double pointer to the fixef slot. | |
#define | Gp_SLOT(x) INTEGER(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_GpSym)) |
Return the integer pointer to the Gp slot. | |
#define | L_SLOT(x) AS_CHM_FR(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_LSym)) |
Allocate (alloca) a cholmod_factor struct, populate it with values from the L slot and return the pointer. | |
#define | LTHRESH 30. |
#define | MLTHRESH -30. |
#define | MU_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_muSym) |
Return the double pointer to the mu slot. | |
#define | MUETA_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_muEtaSym) |
Return the double pointer to the muEta slot or (double*) NULL if muEta has length 0). | |
#define | OFFSET_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_offsetSym) |
Return the double pointer to the offset slot or (double*) NULL if offset has length 0). | |
#define | PERM_VEC(x) INTEGER(GET_SLOT(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_LSym), lme4_permSym)) |
Return the integer pointer to the permutation vector in the L slot. | |
#define | PWT_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_pWtSym) |
Return the double pointer to the pWt slot or (double*) NULL if pWt has length 0). | |
#define | RANEF_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_ranefSym) |
Return the double pointer to the ranef slot or (double*) NULL if ranef has length 0). | |
#define | RDF(dims) (dims[n_POS] - (dims[isREML_POS] ? dims[p_POS] : 0)) |
Residual degrees of freedom. | |
#define | RESID_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_residSym) |
Return the double pointer to the resid slot. | |
#define | RX_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_RXSym) |
Return the double pointer to the RX slot. | |
#define | RZX_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_RZXSym) |
Return the double pointer to the RZX slot. | |
#define | SRWT_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_sqrtrWtSym) |
Return the double pointer to the sqrtrWt slot or (double*) NULL if sqrtrWt has length 0). | |
#define | SXWT_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_sqrtXWtSym) |
Return the double pointer to the sqrtXWt slot or (double*) NULL if sqrtXWt has length 0). | |
#define | U_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_uSym) |
Return the double pointer to the u slot. | |
#define | V_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_VSym) |
Return the double pointer to the V slot or (double*) NULL if V has length 0). | |
#define | VAR_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_varSym) |
Return the double pointer to the var slot or (double*) NULL if var has length 0). | |
#define | X_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_XSym) |
Return the double pointer to the X slot. | |
#define | Y_SLOT(x) SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_ySym) |
Return the double pointer to the y slot. | |
#define | Zt_SLOT(x) AS_CHM_SP(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_ZtSym)) |
Allocate (alloca) a cholmod_sparse struct, populate it with values from the Zt slot and return the pointer. | |
Enumerations | |
enum | devP { ML_POS = 0, REML_POS, ldL2_POS, ldRX2_POS, sigmaML_POS, sigmaREML_POS, pwrss_POS, disc_POS, usqr_POS, wrss_POS } |
positions in the deviance vector More... | |
enum | dimP { nf_POS = 0, n_POS, p_POS, q_POS, s_POS, np_POS, isREML_POS, fTyp_POS, lTyp_POS, vTyp_POS, nest_POS, useSc_POS, nAGQ_POS, cvg_POS } |
positions in the dims vector More... | |
Functions | |
static R_INLINE double * | apply_perm (double *dest, const double *src, const int *perm, int n) |
Permute the vector src according to perm into dest. | |
static int | chkDims (char *buf, int nb, SEXP x, SEXP sym, int nr, int nc) |
Check that slot sym of object x is a numeric matrix of dimension nr by nc. | |
static int | chkLen (char *buf, int nb, SEXP x, SEXP sym, int len, int zerok) |
Check that the length of the sym slot in x is len or, possibly, zero. | |
static R_INLINE int | Gp_grp (int ind, int nf, const int *Gp) |
Return the index of the term associated with parameter index ind. | |
static double | lme4_devResid (const double *mu, const double *pWt, const double *y, int n, int vTyp) |
Evaluate the sum of the deviance residuals for a GLM family. | |
static void | lme4_muEta (double *mu, double *muEta, const double *eta, int n, int lTyp) |
Evaluate the derivative d mu/d eta for the GLM link function of type lTyp. | |
static void | lme4_varFunc (double *var, const double *mu, int n, int vTyp) |
Evaluate the GLM variance function of type vTyp given mu. | |
static double | lmm_update_fixef_u (SEXP x) |
Determine the conditional estimates of the fixed effects and the conditional mode of u for a linear mixed model. | |
static void | lmm_update_projection (SEXP x, double *pb, double *pbeta) |
Update the projections of the response vector onto the column spaces of the random effects and the fixed effects. | |
static void | MCMC_beta_u (SEXP x, double sigma, double *fvals, double *rvals) |
Update the fixed effects and the orthogonal random effects in an MCMC sample from an mer object. | |
static void | MCMC_S (SEXP x, double sigma) |
Update the theta_S parameters from the ST arrays in place. | |
static void | MCMC_T (SEXP x, double sigma) |
Update the theta_T parameters from the ST arrays in place. | |
SEXP | mer_create_L (SEXP CmP) |
Create and initialize L. | |
SEXP | mer_MCMCsamp (SEXP x, SEXP fm) |
Generate a Markov-chain Monte Carlo sample from an mer object. | |
SEXP | mer_optimize (SEXP x, SEXP verbp) |
Optimize the profiled deviance of an lmer object or the Laplace approximation to the deviance of a nlmer or glmer object. | |
SEXP | mer_postVar (SEXP x) |
Extract the conditional variances of the random effects in an mer object. | |
SEXP | mer_ST_chol (SEXP x) |
Return a list of (upper) Cholesky factors from the ST list. | |
SEXP | mer_ST_getPars (SEXP x) |
Extract the parameters from the ST slot of an mer object. | |
SEXP | mer_ST_initialize (SEXP ST, SEXP Gpp, SEXP Zt) |
Evaluate starting estimates for the elements of ST. | |
SEXP | mer_ST_setPars (SEXP x, SEXP pars) |
Update the ST slot of an mer object from a REAL vector of parameters and update the sparse model matrix A. | |
SEXP | mer_update_dev (SEXP x) |
Evaluate the discrepancy and log of the penalized discrepancy. | |
SEXP | mer_update_L (SEXP x) |
Externally callable update_L. | |
SEXP | mer_update_mu (SEXP x) |
Externally callable update_mu. | |
SEXP | mer_update_projection (SEXP x) |
Externally callable lmm_update_projection. | |
SEXP | mer_update_ranef (SEXP x) |
Externally callable update_ranef. | |
SEXP | mer_update_RX (SEXP x) |
Externally callable update_RX. | |
SEXP | mer_update_u (SEXP x, SEXP verbP) |
Externally callable update_u. | |
SEXP | mer_validate (SEXP x) |
Check validity of an mer object. | |
SEXP | merMCMC_validate (SEXP x) |
Check validity of an merMCMC object. | |
SEXP | merMCMC_VarCorr (SEXP x, SEXP typP) |
static void | P_sdmult (double *dest, const int *perm, const CHM_SP A, const double *X, int nc) |
Create PAX in dest. | |
static R_INLINE double * | SLOT_REAL_NULL (SEXP obj, SEXP nm) |
Extract the slot named nm from the object obj and return a null pointer if the slot has length 0 or a pointer to the REAL contents. | |
SEXP | spR_optimize (SEXP x, SEXP verbP) |
Optimize the log-likelihood for the sparse representation of a Rasch model. | |
SEXP | spR_update_mu (SEXP x) |
Update the eta, mu, resid and var slots in a sparseRasch object from the current values of the model parameters in the beta slot. | |
static R_INLINE double | sqr_length (const double *x, int n) |
Return the sum of squares of the first n elements of x. | |
static double * | ST_getPars (SEXP x, double *pars) |
Extract the parameters from ST list. | |
static int | ST_nc_nlev (const SEXP ST, const int *Gp, double **st, int *nc, int *nlev) |
Populate the st, nc and nlev arrays. | |
static void | ST_setPars (SEXP x, const double *pars) |
Update the ST and A slots of an mer object. | |
static R_INLINE int | theta_S_ind (int i, int nf, int *Gp, int *nlev, int *spt) |
Determine the index in theta_S corresponding to index i in the u vector. | |
static void | Tt_Zt (CHM_SP A, int *Gp, int *nc, int *nlev, double **st, int nf) |
Multiply A on the left by T'. | |
static void | update_A (SEXP x) |
Evaluate the sparse model matrix A from the Zt and ST slots. | |
static double | update_L (SEXP x) |
Update the L, sqrtrWt and resid slots. | |
static double | update_mu (SEXP x) |
Update the eta, v, mu, resid and var slots according to the current values of the parameters and u. | |
static void | update_ranef (SEXP x) |
Update the contents of the ranef slot in an mer object using the current contents of the u and ST slots. | |
static double | update_RX (SEXP x) |
Update the RZX and RX slots in an mer object. | |
static int | update_u (SEXP x, int verb) |
Iterate to determine the conditional modes of the random effects. | |
static R_INLINE double | y_log_y (double y, double mu) |
Evaluate y * log(y/mu) with the correct limiting value at y = 0. | |
Variables | |
cholmod_common | c |
cholmod_common struct initialized in R_init_lme4 | |
static const double | INVEPS = 1/DOUBLE_EPS |
static double | MPTHRESH = 0 |
static double | PTHRESH = 0 |
#define _ | ( | String | ) | (String) |
Allow for translation of error messages.
Definition at line 16 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by chkDims(), chkLen(), Gp_grp(), lme4_devResid(), lme4_muEta(), lme4_varFunc(), lmm_update_fixef_u(), lmm_update_projection(), MCMC_beta_u(), MCMC_S(), mer_create_L(), mer_ST_setPars(), mer_validate(), merMCMC_validate(), merMCMC_VarCorr(), spR_optimize(), spR_update_mu(), update_A(), update_L(), update_mu(), and update_u().
#define A_SLOT | ( | x | ) | AS_CHM_SP(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_ASym)) |
Allocate (alloca) a cholmod_sparse struct, populate it with values from the A slot and return the pointer.
Definition at line 88 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_projection(), MCMC_S(), mer_validate(), update_A(), update_L(), update_mu(), update_RX(), and update_u().
#define Alloca | ( | n, | |||
t | ) | (t *) alloca( (size_t) ( (n) * sizeof(t) ) ) |
alloca n elements of type t
Definition at line 33 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by MCMC_beta_u(), MCMC_S(), MCMC_T(), mer_optimize(), mer_postVar(), mer_ST_chol(), mer_ST_initialize(), mer_validate(), merMCMC_validate(), merMCMC_VarCorr(), P_sdmult(), ST_setPars(), update_A(), update_ranef(), and update_u().
#define AZERO | ( | x, | |||
n | ) | {int _I_, _SZ_ = (n); for(_I_ = 0; _I_ < _SZ_; _I_++) (x)[_I_] = 0;} |
zero an array
Definition at line 36 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_projection(), MCMC_S(), mer_ST_initialize(), P_sdmult(), update_A(), update_L(), update_RX(), and update_u().
#define BUF_SIZE 127 |
size of buffer for an error message
Definition at line 184 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by chkDims(), chkLen(), mer_validate(), and merMCMC_validate().
#define CM_MAXITER 300 |
Maximum number of iterations in update_u.
Definition at line 188 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by spR_optimize(), and update_u().
#define Cm_SLOT | ( | x | ) | AS_CHM_SP(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_CmSym)) |
Allocate (alloca) a cholmod_sparse struct, populate it with values from the Cm slot and return the pointer.
Definition at line 92 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by update_L(), update_RX(), and update_u().
#define CM_SMIN 1e-5 |
Minimum step factor in update_u.
Definition at line 192 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by spR_optimize(), and update_u().
#define CM_TOL 1e-10 |
Tolerance level for convergence criterion in update_u.
Definition at line 190 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by spR_optimize(), and update_u().
#define Cx_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_CxSym) |
Return the double pointer to the Cx slot or (double*) NULL if Cx has length 0).
Definition at line 96 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by update_L(), update_RX(), and update_u().
#define DEV_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_devianceSym) |
Return the double pointer to the deviance slot.
Definition at line 99 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), lmm_update_projection(), mer_MCMCsamp(), mer_optimize(), mer_postVar(), mer_update_dev(), spR_optimize(), spR_update_mu(), update_L(), update_mu(), and update_RX().
#define DIMS_SLOT | ( | x | ) | INTEGER(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_dimsSym)) |
Return the integer pointer to the dims slot.
Definition at line 102 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), lmm_update_projection(), MCMC_beta_u(), MCMC_S(), MCMC_T(), mer_MCMCsamp(), mer_optimize(), mer_postVar(), mer_ST_chol(), mer_ST_getPars(), mer_ST_setPars(), mer_update_dev(), mer_update_projection(), spR_update_mu(), ST_setPars(), update_A(), update_L(), update_mu(), update_ranef(), update_RX(), and update_u().
#define ETA_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_etaSym) |
Return the double pointer to the eta slot.
Definition at line 105 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by MCMC_S(), and update_mu().
#define FIXEF_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_fixefSym) |
Return the double pointer to the fixef slot.
Definition at line 108 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), MCMC_beta_u(), MCMC_S(), mer_MCMCsamp(), mer_optimize(), spR_optimize(), and update_mu().
#define Gp_SLOT | ( | x | ) | INTEGER(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_GpSym)) |
Return the integer pointer to the Gp slot.
Definition at line 111 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by MCMC_S(), MCMC_T(), mer_postVar(), mer_ST_chol(), merMCMC_VarCorr(), ST_setPars(), update_A(), and update_ranef().
#define L_SLOT | ( | x | ) | AS_CHM_FR(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_LSym)) |
Allocate (alloca) a cholmod_factor struct, populate it with values from the L slot and return the pointer.
Definition at line 115 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), lmm_update_projection(), MCMC_beta_u(), mer_postVar(), mer_validate(), spR_optimize(), update_L(), update_mu(), update_RX(), and update_u().
#define LTHRESH 30. |
#define MLTHRESH -30. |
#define MU_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_muSym) |
Return the double pointer to the mu slot.
Definition at line 118 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by mer_update_dev(), spR_optimize(), spR_update_mu(), update_L(), and update_mu().
#define MUETA_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_muEtaSym) |
Return the double pointer to the muEta slot or (double*) NULL if muEta has length 0).
Definition at line 122 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), MCMC_beta_u(), mer_optimize(), mer_update_dev(), spR_optimize(), spR_update_mu(), update_L(), and update_mu().
#define OFFSET_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_offsetSym) |
Return the double pointer to the offset slot or (double*) NULL if offset has length 0).
Definition at line 126 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by MCMC_S(), spR_update_mu(), and update_mu().
#define PERM_VEC | ( | x | ) | INTEGER(GET_SLOT(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_LSym), lme4_permSym)) |
Return the integer pointer to the permutation vector in the L slot.
Definition at line 129 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by MCMC_S(), and update_ranef().
#define PWT_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_pWtSym) |
Return the double pointer to the pWt slot or (double*) NULL if pWt has length 0).
Definition at line 133 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by mer_update_dev(), spR_optimize(), and update_L().
#define RANEF_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_ranefSym) |
Return the double pointer to the ranef slot or (double*) NULL if ranef has length 0).
Definition at line 137 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by MCMC_beta_u(), MCMC_S(), mer_MCMCsamp(), and update_ranef().
#define RDF | ( | dims | ) | (dims[n_POS] - (dims[isREML_POS] ? dims[p_POS] : 0)) |
#define RESID_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_residSym) |
Return the double pointer to the resid slot.
Definition at line 143 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by spR_optimize(), spR_update_mu(), update_L(), update_mu(), and update_u().
#define RX_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_RXSym) |
Return the double pointer to the RX slot.
Definition at line 146 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), lmm_update_projection(), MCMC_beta_u(), and update_RX().
#define RZX_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_RZXSym) |
Return the double pointer to the RZX slot.
Definition at line 149 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), lmm_update_projection(), MCMC_beta_u(), and update_RX().
#define SRWT_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_sqrtrWtSym) |
Return the double pointer to the sqrtrWt slot or (double*) NULL if sqrtrWt has length 0).
Definition at line 153 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), spR_optimize(), spR_update_mu(), update_L(), and update_mu().
#define SXWT_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_sqrtXWtSym) |
Return the double pointer to the sqrtXWt slot or (double*) NULL if sqrtXWt has length 0).
Definition at line 157 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_projection(), update_L(), update_RX(), and update_u().
#define U_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_uSym) |
Return the double pointer to the u slot.
Definition at line 160 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), MCMC_beta_u(), MCMC_S(), update_ranef(), and update_u().
#define V_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_VSym) |
Return the double pointer to the V slot or (double*) NULL if V has length 0).
Definition at line 164 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), MCMC_beta_u(), mer_optimize(), update_L(), and update_mu().
#define VAR_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_varSym) |
Return the double pointer to the var slot or (double*) NULL if var has length 0).
Definition at line 168 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by spR_optimize(), spR_update_mu(), update_L(), and update_mu().
#define X_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_XSym) |
Return the double pointer to the X slot.
Definition at line 171 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_projection(), MCMC_S(), update_mu(), and update_RX().
#define Y_SLOT | ( | x | ) | SLOT_REAL_NULL(x, lme4_ySym) |
Return the double pointer to the y slot.
Definition at line 174 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_projection(), MCMC_S(), mer_update_dev(), spR_optimize(), spR_update_mu(), update_L(), and update_mu().
#define Zt_SLOT | ( | x | ) | AS_CHM_SP(GET_SLOT(x, lme4_ZtSym)) |
Allocate (alloca) a cholmod_sparse struct, populate it with values from the Zt slot and return the pointer.
Definition at line 178 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by MCMC_S(), mer_validate(), spR_optimize(), spR_update_mu(), and update_A().
enum devP |
positions in the deviance vector
enum dimP |
positions in the dims vector
static R_INLINE double* apply_perm | ( | double * | dest, | |
const double * | src, | |||
const int * | perm, | |||
int | n | |||
) | [static] |
Permute the vector src according to perm into dest.
dest | destination | |
src | source | |
perm | NULL or 0-based permutation of length n | |
n | length of src, dest and perm |
Definition at line 217 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by P_sdmult(), spR_optimize(), and update_u().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static int chkDims | ( | char * | buf, | |
int | nb, | |||
SEXP | x, | |||
SEXP | sym, | |||
int | nr, | |||
int | nc | |||
) | [static] |
Check that slot sym of object x is a numeric matrix of dimension nr by nc.
buf | character buffer of length nb + 1 | |
nb | number of writable positions in the buffer | |
x | pointer to an mer object | |
sym | name (symbol, actually) of the slot to check | |
nr | expected number of rows | |
nc | expected number of columns |
Definition at line 283 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by mer_validate(), and merMCMC_validate().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static int chkLen | ( | char * | buf, | |
int | nb, | |||
SEXP | x, | |||
SEXP | sym, | |||
int | len, | |||
int | zerok | |||
) | [static] |
Check that the length of the sym slot in x is len or, possibly, zero.
buf | character buffer of length nb + 1 | |
nb | number of writable positions in the buffer | |
x | pointer to an mer object | |
sym | name (symbol, actually) of the slot to check | |
len | expected length | |
zerok | is a length of zero allowed? |
Definition at line 306 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by mer_validate(), and merMCMC_validate().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static R_INLINE int Gp_grp | ( | int | ind, | |
int | nf, | |||
const int * | Gp | |||
) | [static] |
Return the index of the term associated with parameter index ind.
ind | an index in [0, Gp[nf] - 1] | |
nf | total number of terms | |
Gp | group pointers, a vector of length nf+1 with Gp[0] = 0 |
Definition at line 232 of file lmer.c.
References _.
Referenced by theta_S_ind(), Tt_Zt(), and update_A().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static double lme4_devResid | ( | const double * | mu, | |
const double * | pWt, | |||
const double * | y, | |||
int | n, | |||
int | vTyp | |||
) | [static] |
Evaluate the sum of the deviance residuals for a GLM family.
mu | pointer to the mu vector | |
pWt | pointer to the vector of prior weights (NULL for constant weights) | |
y | pointer to the response vector | |
n | length of mu and y | |
vTyp | type of variance function: the 1-based index into c("constant", "mu(1-mu)", "mu", "mu^2", "mu^3") |
Definition at line 330 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by mer_update_dev().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static void lme4_muEta | ( | double * | mu, | |
double * | muEta, | |||
const double * | eta, | |||
int | n, | |||
int | lTyp | |||
) | [static] |
Evaluate the derivative d mu/d eta for the GLM link function of type lTyp.
mu | pointer to the mu vector | |
muEta | pointer to the muEta vector | |
eta | pointer to the eta vector | |
n | length of mu, muEta and eta | |
lTyp | type of link: the 1-based index into c("logit", "probit", "cauchit", "cloglog", "identity", "log", "sqrt", "1/mu^2", "inverse") |
Definition at line 374 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by spR_update_mu(), and update_mu().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static void lme4_varFunc | ( | double * | var, | |
const double * | mu, | |||
int | n, | |||
int | vTyp | |||
) | [static] |
Evaluate the GLM variance function of type vTyp given mu.
var | pointer to the variance vector | |
mu | pointer to the mu vector | |
n | length of var and mu | |
vTyp | type of variance function: the 1-based index into c("constant", "mu(1-mu)", "mu", "mu^2", "mu^3") |
Definition at line 432 of file lmer.c.
References _.
Referenced by spR_update_mu(), and update_mu().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static double lmm_update_fixef_u | ( | SEXP | x | ) | [static] |
Determine the conditional estimates of the fixed effects and the conditional mode of u for a linear mixed model.
x | an mer object |
Definition at line 977 of file lmer.c.
References _, c, DEV_SLOT, DIMS_SLOT, disc_POS, FIXEF_SLOT, isREML_POS, L_SLOT, ldL2_POS, ldRX2_POS, lmm_update_projection(), ML_POS, MUETA_SLOT, n_POS, p_POS, pwrss_POS, q_POS, REML_POS, RX_SLOT, RZX_SLOT, sigmaML_POS, sigmaREML_POS, sqr_length(), SRWT_SLOT, U_SLOT, usqr_POS, V_SLOT, and wrss_POS.
Referenced by MCMC_beta_u(), mer_MCMCsamp(), and mer_optimize().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static void lmm_update_projection | ( | SEXP | x, | |
double * | pb, | |||
double * | pbeta | |||
) | [static] |
Update the projections of the response vector onto the column spaces of the random effects and the fixed effects.
This function is needed separately for the one-argument form of the anova function.
x | an mer object | |
pb | position to store the random-effects projection | |
pbeta | position to store the fixed-effects projection |
Definition at line 613 of file lmer.c.
References _, A_SLOT, AZERO, c, DEV_SLOT, DIMS_SLOT, L_SLOT, n_POS, p_POS, P_sdmult(), pwrss_POS, q_POS, RX_SLOT, RZX_SLOT, sqr_length(), SXWT_SLOT, X_SLOT, and Y_SLOT.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), and mer_update_projection().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static void MCMC_beta_u | ( | SEXP | x, | |
double | sigma, | |||
double * | fvals, | |||
double * | rvals | |||
) | [static] |
Update the fixed effects and the orthogonal random effects in an MCMC sample from an mer object.
x | an mer object | |
sigma | current standard deviation of the per-observation noise terms. | |
fvals | pointer to memory in which to store the updated beta | |
rvals | pointer to memory in which to store the updated b (may be (double*)NULL) |
Definition at line 1139 of file lmer.c.
References _, Alloca, c, DIMS_SLOT, FIXEF_SLOT, L_SLOT, lmm_update_fixef_u(), MUETA_SLOT, p_POS, q_POS, RANEF_SLOT, RX_SLOT, RZX_SLOT, U_SLOT, update_L(), update_mu(), update_ranef(), update_RX(), and V_SLOT.
Referenced by mer_MCMCsamp().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static void MCMC_S | ( | SEXP | x, | |
double | sigma | |||
) | [static] |
Update the theta_S parameters from the ST arrays in place.
x | an mer object | |
sigma | current standard deviation of the per-observation noise terms. |
Definition at line 1202 of file lmer.c.
References _, A_SLOT, Alloca, AZERO, DIMS_SLOT, ETA_SLOT, FIXEF_SLOT, Gp_SLOT, lme4_STSym, n_POS, nf_POS, OFFSET_SLOT, p_POS, PERM_VEC, q_POS, RANEF_SLOT, ST_nc_nlev(), theta_S_ind(), Tt_Zt(), U_SLOT, update_A(), X_SLOT, Y_SLOT, and Zt_SLOT.
Referenced by mer_MCMCsamp().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static void MCMC_T | ( | SEXP | x, | |
double | sigma | |||
) | [static] |
Update the theta_T parameters from the ST arrays in place.
x | an mer object | |
sigma | current standard deviation of the per-observation noise terms. |
Definition at line 1184 of file lmer.c.
References Alloca, DIMS_SLOT, Gp_SLOT, lme4_STSym, nf_POS, and ST_nc_nlev().
Referenced by mer_MCMCsamp().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
SEXP mer_create_L | ( | SEXP | CmP | ) |
SEXP mer_MCMCsamp | ( | SEXP | x, | |
SEXP | fm | |||
) |
Generate a Markov-chain Monte Carlo sample from an mer object.
x | pointer to an merMCMC object | |
fm | pointer to an mer object |
Definition at line 1316 of file lmer.c.
References DEV_SLOT, DIMS_SLOT, FIXEF_SLOT, lme4_devianceSym, lme4_sigmaSym, lme4_STSym, lmm_update_fixef_u(), MCMC_beta_u(), MCMC_S(), MCMC_T(), ML_POS, n_POS, np_POS, p_POS, pwrss_POS, q_POS, RANEF_SLOT, SLOT_REAL_NULL(), ST_getPars(), ST_setPars(), update_L(), update_ranef(), update_RX(), and update_u().
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_optimize | ( | SEXP | x, | |
SEXP | verbp | |||
) |
Optimize the profiled deviance of an lmer object or the Laplace approximation to the deviance of a nlmer or glmer object.
x | pointer to an mer object | |
verbp | pointer to indicator of verbose output |
Definition at line 1366 of file lmer.c.
References Alloca, cvg_POS, DEV_SLOT, DIMS_SLOT, FIXEF_SLOT, lme4_STSym, lmm_update_fixef_u(), mer_update_dev(), ML_POS, MUETA_SLOT, nf_POS, np_POS, p_POS, ST_getPars(), ST_setPars(), update_L(), update_RX(), update_u(), and V_SLOT.
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_postVar | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Extract the conditional variances of the random effects in an mer object.
Some people called these posterior variances, hence the name.
x | pointer to an mer object |
Definition at line 1434 of file lmer.c.
References Alloca, c, DEV_SLOT, DIMS_SLOT, Gp_SLOT, isREML_POS, L_SLOT, lme4_STSym, nf_POS, q_POS, sigmaML_POS, sigmaREML_POS, ST_nc_nlev(), and useSc_POS.
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_ST_chol | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Return a list of (upper) Cholesky factors from the ST list.
x | an mer object |
Definition at line 1495 of file lmer.c.
References Alloca, DIMS_SLOT, Gp_SLOT, lme4_STSym, nf_POS, and ST_nc_nlev().
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_ST_getPars | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Extract the parameters from the ST slot of an mer object.
x | an mer object |
Definition at line 1530 of file lmer.c.
References DIMS_SLOT, np_POS, and ST_getPars().
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_ST_initialize | ( | SEXP | ST, | |
SEXP | Gpp, | |||
SEXP | Zt | |||
) |
Evaluate starting estimates for the elements of ST.
ST | pointers to the nf ST factorizations of the diagonal elements of Sigma | |
Gpp | length nf+1 vector of group pointers for the rows of Zt | |
Zt | transpose of Z matrix |
Definition at line 1548 of file lmer.c.
References Alloca, AZERO, lme4_DimSym, lme4_iSym, lme4_pSym, lme4_xSym, and ST_nc_nlev().
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_ST_setPars | ( | SEXP | x, | |
SEXP | pars | |||
) |
Update the ST slot of an mer object from a REAL vector of parameters and update the sparse model matrix A.
x | an mer object | |
pars | a REAL vector of the appropriate length |
Definition at line 1584 of file lmer.c.
References _, DIMS_SLOT, np_POS, and ST_setPars().
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_update_dev | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Evaluate the discrepancy and log of the penalized discrepancy.
update_mu must be called first.
x | pointer to an mer object |
Definition at line 1601 of file lmer.c.
References DEV_SLOT, DIMS_SLOT, disc_POS, ldL2_POS, lme4_devResid(), ML_POS, MU_SLOT, MUETA_SLOT, n_POS, nAGQ_POS, PWT_SLOT, usqr_POS, vTyp_POS, wrss_POS, and Y_SLOT.
Referenced by mer_optimize().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
SEXP mer_update_L | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Externally callable update_L.
Update the A, L, sqrtrWt and resid slots. It is assumed that update_mu has already been called at the current values of u and the model parameters.
x | an mer object |
Definition at line 1637 of file lmer.c.
References update_L().
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_update_mu | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Externally callable update_mu.
Update the eta, v, mu, resid and var slots according to the current values of the parameters and u. Also evaluate d[wrss_POS] using the current contents of sqrtrWt. The sqrtrWt slot is updated in update_L.
x | pointer to an mer object |
Definition at line 1652 of file lmer.c.
References update_mu().
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_update_projection | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Externally callable lmm_update_projection.
Create the projections onto the column spaces of the random effects and the fixed effects.
x | an mer object |
Definition at line 1682 of file lmer.c.
References DIMS_SLOT, lmm_update_projection(), p_POS, and q_POS.
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_update_ranef | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Externally callable update_ranef.
Update the contents of the ranef slot in an mer object. For a linear mixed model the conditional estimates of the fixed effects and the conditional mode of u are evaluated first.
x | an mer object |
Definition at line 1706 of file lmer.c.
References update_ranef().
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_update_RX | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Externally callable update_RX.
x | pointer to an mer object |
Definition at line 1720 of file lmer.c.
References update_RX().
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_update_u | ( | SEXP | x, | |
SEXP | verbP | |||
) |
Externally callable update_u.
Iterate to determine the conditional modes of the random effects.
x | pointer to an mer object | |
verbP | scalar integer indicator of verbose output (negative values produce a lot of output) |
Definition at line 1668 of file lmer.c.
References update_u().
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP mer_validate | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Check validity of an mer object.
x | Pointer to an mer object |
Definition at line 1771 of file lmer.c.
References _, A_SLOT, Alloca, BUF_SIZE, chkDims(), chkLen(), cvg_POS, L_SLOT, lme4_devianceSym, lme4_dimsSym, lme4_etaSym, lme4_fixefSym, lme4_flistSym, lme4_GpSym, lme4_muEtaSym, lme4_muSym, lme4_offsetSym, lme4_pWtSym, lme4_ranefSym, lme4_residSym, lme4_RXSym, lme4_RZXSym, lme4_sqrtrWtSym, lme4_STSym, lme4_uSym, lme4_varSym, lme4_VSym, lme4_XSym, lme4_ySym, n_POS, nf_POS, p_POS, q_POS, s_POS, wrss_POS, and Zt_SLOT.
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP merMCMC_validate | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Check validity of an merMCMC object.
x | Pointer to an merMCMC object |
Definition at line 1862 of file lmer.c.
References _, Alloca, BUF_SIZE, chkDims(), chkLen(), cvg_POS, lme4_devianceSym, lme4_dimsSym, lme4_fixefSym, lme4_GpSym, lme4_ncSym, lme4_ranefSym, lme4_sigmaSym, lme4_STSym, nf_POS, np_POS, p_POS, q_POS, and useSc_POS.
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP merMCMC_VarCorr | ( | SEXP | x, | |
SEXP | typP | |||
) |
Definition at line 1725 of file lmer.c.
References _, Alloca, Gp_SLOT, lme4_sigmaSym, lme4_STSym, and SLOT_REAL_NULL().
Here is the call graph for this function:
static void P_sdmult | ( | double * | dest, | |
const int * | perm, | |||
const CHM_SP | A, | |||
const double * | X, | |||
int | nc | |||
) | [static] |
Create PAX in dest.
dest | values to be calculated | |
perm | NULL or a 0-based permutation vector defining P | |
A | sparse matrix | |
X | dense matrix | |
nc | number of columns in X |
Definition at line 478 of file lmer.c.
References Alloca, apply_perm(), and AZERO.
Referenced by lmm_update_projection().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static R_INLINE double* SLOT_REAL_NULL | ( | SEXP | obj, | |
SEXP | nm | |||
) | [static] |
Extract the slot named nm from the object obj and return a null pointer if the slot has length 0 or a pointer to the REAL contents.
obj | pointer to an S4 object | |
nm | pointer to a symbol naming the slot to extract |
Definition at line 80 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by mer_MCMCsamp(), and merMCMC_VarCorr().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
SEXP spR_optimize | ( | SEXP | x, | |
SEXP | verbP | |||
) |
Optimize the log-likelihood for the sparse representation of a Rasch model.
x | pointer to a sparseRasch object | |
verbP | pointer to indicator of verbose output |
Definition at line 1944 of file lmer.c.
References _, apply_perm(), c, CM_MAXITER, CM_SMIN, CM_TOL, DEV_SLOT, FIXEF_SLOT, L_SLOT, MU_SLOT, MUETA_SLOT, PWT_SLOT, RESID_SLOT, spR_update_mu(), sqr_length(), SRWT_SLOT, VAR_SLOT, wrss_POS, Y_SLOT, and Zt_SLOT.
Here is the call graph for this function:
SEXP spR_update_mu | ( | SEXP | x | ) |
Update the eta, mu, resid and var slots in a sparseRasch object from the current values of the model parameters in the beta slot.
x | pointer to an sparseRasch object |
Definition at line 1905 of file lmer.c.
References _, c, DEV_SLOT, DIMS_SLOT, lme4_fixefSym, lme4_muEta(), lme4_varFunc(), lTyp_POS, MU_SLOT, MUETA_SLOT, n_POS, OFFSET_SLOT, RESID_SLOT, SRWT_SLOT, VAR_SLOT, vTyp_POS, wrss_POS, Y_SLOT, and Zt_SLOT.
Referenced by spR_optimize().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static R_INLINE double sqr_length | ( | const double * | x, | |
int | n | |||
) | [static] |
Return the sum of squares of the first n elements of x.
n | ||
x |
Definition at line 247 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), lmm_update_projection(), spR_optimize(), update_L(), update_mu(), and update_u().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static double* ST_getPars | ( | SEXP | x, | |
double * | pars | |||
) | [static] |
Extract the parameters from ST list.
x | an mer object | |
pars | vector of the appropriate length |
Definition at line 503 of file lmer.c.
References lme4_STSym.
Referenced by mer_MCMCsamp(), mer_optimize(), and mer_ST_getPars().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static int ST_nc_nlev | ( | const SEXP | ST, | |
const int * | Gp, | |||
double ** | st, | |||
int * | nc, | |||
int * | nlev | |||
) | [static] |
Populate the st, nc and nlev arrays.
Return the maximum element of nc.
ST | pointer to a list (length nf) of matrices | |
Gp | group pointers (length nf + 1) | |
st | length nf array of (double*) pointers to be filled with pointers to the contents of the matrices in ST. Not used if NULL. | |
nc | length nf array to be filled with the number of columns | |
nlev | length nf array to be filled with the number of levels of the grouping factor for each term |
Definition at line 536 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by MCMC_S(), MCMC_T(), mer_postVar(), mer_ST_chol(), mer_ST_initialize(), ST_setPars(), update_A(), and update_ranef().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static void ST_setPars | ( | SEXP | x, | |
const double * | pars | |||
) | [static] |
Update the ST and A slots of an mer object.
x | an mer object | |
pars | double vector of the appropriate length |
Definition at line 1024 of file lmer.c.
References Alloca, DIMS_SLOT, Gp_SLOT, lme4_STSym, nf_POS, ST_nc_nlev(), and update_A().
Referenced by mer_MCMCsamp(), mer_optimize(), and mer_ST_setPars().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static R_INLINE int theta_S_ind | ( | int | i, | |
int | nf, | |||
int * | Gp, | |||
int * | nlev, | |||
int * | spt | |||
) | [static] |
Determine the index in theta_S corresponding to index i in the u vector.
i | index in u vector (0 <= i < q) | |
nf | number of random effects terms in the model | |
Gp | vector of group pointers into u (length nf + 1, Gp[0] == 0) | |
nlev | vector of length nf giving the number of levels per term | |
spt | vector of group pointers into theta_S (length nf + 1, spt[0] == 0) |
Definition at line 564 of file lmer.c.
References Gp_grp().
Referenced by MCMC_S().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static void Tt_Zt | ( | CHM_SP | A, | |
int * | Gp, | |||
int * | nc, | |||
int * | nlev, | |||
double ** | st, | |||
int | nf | |||
) | [static] |
Multiply A on the left by T'.
A | sparse model matrix | |
Gp | group pointers | |
nc | number of columns per term | |
nlev | number of levels per term | |
st | ST arrays for each term | |
nf | number of terms |
Definition at line 581 of file lmer.c.
References Gp_grp().
Referenced by MCMC_S(), and update_A().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static void update_A | ( | SEXP | x | ) | [static] |
Evaluate the sparse model matrix A from the Zt and ST slots.
x | an mer object |
Definition at line 664 of file lmer.c.
References _, A_SLOT, Alloca, AZERO, DIMS_SLOT, Gp_grp(), Gp_SLOT, lme4_STSym, nf_POS, ST_nc_nlev(), Tt_Zt(), and Zt_SLOT.
Referenced by MCMC_S(), and ST_setPars().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static double update_L | ( | SEXP | x | ) | [static] |
Update the L, sqrtrWt and resid slots.
It is assumed that update_mu has already been called at the current values of u and the model parameters and that A has been updated.
x | pointer to an mer object |
Definition at line 711 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by MCMC_beta_u(), mer_MCMCsamp(), mer_optimize(), mer_update_L(), and update_u().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static double update_mu | ( | SEXP | x | ) | [static] |
Update the eta, v, mu, resid and var slots according to the current values of the parameters and u.
Also evaluate d[wrss_POS] using the current sqrtrWt slot. The sqrtrWt slot is changed in update_L.
x | pointer to an mer object |
Definition at line 791 of file lmer.c.
References _, A_SLOT, c, DEV_SLOT, DIMS_SLOT, ETA_SLOT, FIXEF_SLOT, L_SLOT, lme4_envSym, lme4_gradientSym, lme4_muEta(), lme4_nlmodelSym, lme4_uSym, lme4_varFunc(), lme4_VSym, lTyp_POS, MU_SLOT, MUETA_SLOT, n_POS, OFFSET_SLOT, p_POS, pwrss_POS, q_POS, RESID_SLOT, s_POS, sigmaML_POS, sigmaREML_POS, sqr_length(), SRWT_SLOT, usqr_POS, V_SLOT, VAR_SLOT, vTyp_POS, wrss_POS, X_SLOT, and Y_SLOT.
Referenced by MCMC_beta_u(), mer_update_mu(), and update_u().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static void update_ranef | ( | SEXP | x | ) | [static] |
Update the contents of the ranef slot in an mer object using the current contents of the u and ST slots.
b = T *% S *% t(P) *% u
x | an mer object |
Definition at line 887 of file lmer.c.
References Alloca, DIMS_SLOT, Gp_SLOT, lme4_STSym, nf_POS, PERM_VEC, q_POS, RANEF_SLOT, ST_nc_nlev(), and U_SLOT.
Referenced by MCMC_beta_u(), mer_MCMCsamp(), and mer_update_ranef().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static double update_RX | ( | SEXP | x | ) | [static] |
Update the RZX and RX slots in an mer object.
update_L should be called before update_RX
x | pointer to an mer object |
Definition at line 920 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by MCMC_beta_u(), mer_MCMCsamp(), mer_optimize(), and mer_update_RX().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static int update_u | ( | SEXP | x, | |
int | verb | |||
) | [static] |
Iterate to determine the conditional modes of the random effects.
x | pointer to an mer object | |
verb | indicator of verbose iterations (negative values produce a lot of output) |
Definition at line 1055 of file lmer.c.
References _, A_SLOT, Alloca, apply_perm(), AZERO, c, CM_MAXITER, Cm_SLOT, CM_SMIN, CM_TOL, Cx_SLOT, DIMS_SLOT, L_SLOT, n_POS, q_POS, RESID_SLOT, sqr_length(), SXWT_SLOT, U_SLOT, update_L(), and update_mu().
Referenced by mer_MCMCsamp(), mer_optimize(), and mer_update_u().
Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:
static R_INLINE double y_log_y | ( | double | y, | |
double | mu | |||
) | [static] |
Evaluate y * log(y/mu) with the correct limiting value at y = 0.
y | ||
mu |
Definition at line 263 of file lmer.c.
Referenced by lme4_devResid().
Here is the caller graph for this function:
cholmod_common c |
cholmod_common struct initialized in R_init_lme4
Definition at line 37 of file init.c.
Referenced by lmm_update_fixef_u(), lmm_update_projection(), MCMC_beta_u(), mer_create_L(), mer_postVar(), spR_optimize(), spR_update_mu(), update_L(), update_mu(), and update_u().
const double INVEPS = 1/DOUBLE_EPS [static] |
double MPTHRESH = 0 [static] |
double PTHRESH = 0 [static] |